Fostering Independence

Well Minds Work get a lot of questions asking how to support children who have anxious temperaments or who may be apprehensive about trying new things.

First of all, it is normal for children to have some anxiety when trying new things! New is scary, as we don’t know what will happen next.

When it comes to our little people, having a safe-base (in us as the adults) and supporting them to be “brave” and try new activities can be so helpful in fostering developmentally appropriate independence. Whether this be encouraging and watching them engage with new play equipment, to attending school, making a new friend or starting a new sport or recreational activity.

When it come to fostering independence we need to support children to try things (when they’re ready) and provide validation for their efforts, encouragement for future attempts and reassurance we will be there for support if they don’t get it quite right the first time.

If you would like to know more about Well Minds Work and the workshops we have on offer please feel free to get in touch at [email protected]

Well Minds Work in Focus – TAVRP Annual Dark Side of Rehab Symposium

A couple of weeks ago Well Minds Work were privileged to be invited to present again at the annual Tasmanian Association of Vocational Rehab Providers Symposium – The Dark Side of Rehab.

Em and Jess covered The Big T – Tips for Tacking Trauma as a Rehabilitation Provider, where we looked at signs, symptoms and causes of trauma as well interactive activities focused on trauma informed approaches.

As always we had a a excellent time listening to the many other knowledgeable speakers on the day and were overwhelmed with the participation from Tassie rehab providers across the state. Looking forward to hopefully coming along next year!